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How much firewood is in a bundle?

Each one of our bundles is approx. 1 cubic ft. This is slightly larger than the bundles you would expect to purchase from Home Depot, Lowes, or Kroger (theirs are usually .6 or .75 cubic ft.)

How much is the firewood?

$10 per bundle with a minimum order of 4 bundles. Free delivery within East Nashville (37216, 37206, 37207, 37115)

What kind of wood is in your bundles? Where is it from?

Our bundles are made from a mix of hardwoods. Mostly we have red oak, white oak, hickory, ash, maple, or walnut. The wood comes from either our family farm or local tree removal businesses that provide specific hardwoods.

Is the wood seasoned and ready to burn?

Yes, we season our wood and spot check pieces with a moisture meter before bundling. In periods of higher moisture in the air, we advise our customers to keep the wood indoors for a day or two before burning.


© East Nashville Firewood Delivery is a Gambo Ventures LLC Company

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